Editorial Advisory Board


The mandate of the Board includes:

  • advising the Editors on possible future directions for the Journal;
  • finding ways to increase the Journal’s readership;
  • increasing institutional memberships;
  • advising the Editorial Board on the appropriateness of certain articles; and
  • advising the Editorial Board in the case of highly conflicting evaluations.

Members of the Board  include current members of the ACLA Executive* in addition to invited scholars in the field of applied linguistics.

Members (in alphabetical order)

Katy Arnett dr.katy.arnett@gmail.com
Stephanie Arnott* sarnott@uottawa.ca
Francis Bangou* fbangou@uottawa.ca
Monique Bournot-Trites monique.bournot-trites@ubc.ca
Marianne Cormier marianne.m.cormier@umoncton.ca
Bill Dunn wdunn@ualberta.ca
Françoise Gadet gadet@u-paris10.fr
Martin Guardado martin.guardado@ualberta.ca
Diane Huot diane.huot@lli.ulaval.ca
Eva Kartchava* evakartchava@cunet.carleton.ca
Sara Kennedy sara.kennedy@education.concordia.ca
Callie Mady calliem@nipissingu.ca
Leila Ranta lranta@ualberta.ca
Mela Sarkar mela.sarkar@mcgill.ca
Andrea Sterzuk* andrea.sterzuk@uregina.ca
Shelley Taylor tayshelley@gmail.com
Miles Turnbull mturnbul@ubishops.ca
Meike Wernicke* meike.wernicke@ubc.ca
Guillaume Gentil* GuillaumeGentil@Cunet.Carleton.Ca