ACLA free online event, a panel entitled “Former les enseignants en français en contextes minoritaires : enjeux locaux et perspectives pancanadiennes”

Dear ACLA/CAAL community,

Our Association is thrilled to invite you to its upcoming free event, a panel entitled Former les enseignants en français en contextes minoritaires : enjeux locaux et perspectives pancanadiennes. This Zoom event will be held on May 12th 2021 at 2 pm (Toronto time).

During this panel, four scholars coming from across the country will question the teacher training offered in French in minority contexts. Numerous universities in these settings offer education programs and courses in French and, for this panel, the following scholars will discuss the issues underlying their teacher training practice:

  1. Carole Fleuret (University of Ottawa), Pratiques pédagogiques monolingues et francophonie plurielle : la formation des maitres comme renouveau didactique
  2. Marie-Paule Lory (University of Toronto), Langue, culture d’expression française et plurilinguisme en contexte minoritaire : quels défis pour la formation des maitres? Étude de cas exploratoire
  3. Sylvie Roy (University of Calgary), Futurs enseignants de français en Alberta : enjeux sociolinguistiques et formation
  4. Monica Tang (Simon Fraser University), Identité avant langue? Un projet pilote dans la formation des enseignants de langue additionnelle

Registrations for this free event can be done via our Eventbrite website: A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants by email a few hours before the panel begins. Please note that it will be held mostly in French, though audience members may interact in the language of their choice.

We look forward to seeing you at the panel!

The ACLA executive committee