As an affiliate of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), ACLA has been invited to prepare a bid to host the AILA Congress in 2027. We’re thrilled to share with you all that ACLA has won the bid! This means that in 2027 we will have a large ACLA/AILA congress that will bring together applied linguists and language educators from all over the world. As we stated in our bid, while Canada has English and French as the official languages, Canada’s multilingual and multicultural landscape will invite AILA attendees to mobilize research examining many languages, including the many Indigenous languages of Canada and the world.
In 2027, the ACLA/AILA congress will take place in the beautiful city of Vancouver, from August 8 to 13 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. The AILA committee is very excited and reported that “the central location and accessibility of Vancouver, and the vibrant programming vision, including multilingual and multicultural emphases, were aspects that were particularly appreciated by the leadership.”
We thank you once again for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at York University in Toronto for ACLA2023 at Congress.
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