Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics

The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics is an open access, bilingual, scientific, and professional journal that publishes empirical research (framed within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods paradigms), theoretical articles, essays, and original literature reviews. CJAL publishes these texts electronically in English or in French on an ongoing basis. Articles, usually between 8 and 12 of them, and book reviews are grouped to constitute one issue of the journal per year. There may also be occasional special issues on specific themes. All issues, including back issues, may be accessed freely at the CJAL Open Journal Systems (OJS) site.

The journal is affiliated with The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics/ L’Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée. The Advisory Board of CJAL is comprised of the CAAL executive and other members.

The journal is affiliated with CAAL. The Advisory Board of CJAL is composed of the CAAL executive and other members.

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The editorial team relies upon the good will of its reviewers in order to complete its work in an efficient and effective manner. If you are interested in being a reviewer for the CJAL, please complete the Call for Reviewers form.