Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics
Annual Conference
In conjunction with the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences
May 29 – 31, 2017
Ryerson University, Toronto
Plenary Sessions
Eve Haque, York University
Carole Fleuret, Université d’Ottawa
Invited Symposium
Through the looking glass: Innovative methodologies in applied linguistics research
Organizer: Mela Sarkar
Presenters: Casey Burkholder, Alison Crump, Lauren Godfrey-Smith, Kathleen Green
Call for papers for the ACLA 2017 Laurens (Larry) Vandergrift Memorial Symposium.
For more information
Submission Deadline for Proposals: November 13, 2016
Abstract Submission Page
Program Chairs:
Andrea Sterzuk (University of Regina), Francis Bangou (Université d’Ottawa)
Conference Chair:
Marju Toomsalu (Ryerson University)